

Exemption of the ticket: when he has the right
With more than 65 years or less of 6 and a gross family income not exceeding 36.151,98 EUR you do not pay the ticket.

In Italia a breve non si potrà


In Italy, a short can no longer abort according to the law 194. Oltre l'80% dei ginecologi infatti è obiettore di coscienza, in some areas the percentage is even the 100% and you do not make the service. Among the few doctors objectors were, many are close to retirement and therefore the law 194 sull'interruzione di gravidanza ormai rischia di esistere solo sulla carta, mentre torna prepotente l'aborto clandestino con le relative conseguenze: "le donne respinte dalle Istituzioni tornano al segreto: 20.000 abortions illegal calculated by the Ministry of Health, but according to some estimates are at least twice. Surgeries outlaws and drug smuggling" http://bit.ly/14RVuYR .
Among the absence of information, arguments in the ordinary and emergency contraception, lack of counseling, visions confessional, objection fake or true consciousness (Today those who claim conscientious objector it also does for the sake of career, not simply to meet the workload rejected by others or to not offend the political powers), questo è il quadro di un'Italia sempre più clericale e di uno Stato per nulla preoccupato di garantire i diritti di tutti, its services and enforce their own laws. A regression scary, more anchors a medieval cultural



Family allowance of Commons to those who have a residence permit. L'Inps si adegua
Since yesterday also foreign nationals long-term residents qualify for many households. It is up to those who have at least



Questions? Responds free Linea Amica, 803001 and key 2 from fixed, 06828881 from Mobile
Residence permit, citizenship, health care, working… for any doubt there is the service of the Public Administration who speaks Italian, English,