Status update
Community of Moroccan Italy
An oven pizza joint in Morocco offers daily bread
CALVAGESE. L'attività affidata a un mediatore culturale tornato in patria. Also sell Italian recipes
Thanks to a donation from a hotel in North Africa Cronos Group has opened the first store intended to "feed" the two families
The Italian pizza will ensure the daily bread for two families North Africa. Solidarity, intraprendenza e «made in Italy» sono infatti gli ingredienti dell'impasto speciale del Gruppo Cronos di Calvagese della Riviera che ha aperto il suo primo negozio solidale in Marocco. It all started in the easiest way with the donation of two ovens and three refrigerators of a firm of Castiglione, who has just closed a hotel. The material has allowed two families to start a bakery kiosk in a popular neighborhood of Kenitra. Here, next to the Arabic bread, are also offered baked Italian. «Un'operazione a costo zero – emphasizes Lorenzo Moreni, founder of the association -. The exchange is based on barter: porte e bagni dell'hotel dismesso in cambio di trasporto delle attrezzature in Marocco». Association of a multi-professional and multi-cultural, Cronos for fifteen years in charge of education and training in multicultural and etnoclinico. «L'idea di fondo del nostro impegno – emphasizes Moreni – is to contribute with our educational and training actions to the creation of a community of differences centered on the relationship ". NEXT publications, research and Videonarrations, the travels of mediation and training aimed at people interested in developing a political practice of togetherness among persons of different cultures, Cronos has plans for Morocco two other initiatives: l'apertura di un forno per il pane in una ex bidonville e un corso di formazione rivolto a quelle donne che, for a couple of dirham (twenty euro cents), exchanged a few hours of domestic service, con l'obiettivo che si organizzino in cooperativa. "Today, Morocco, for its social and political stability, is a land coveted – Maria Grazia observes Soldiers, Cronos Group Chairman – and attracts several Italian industries to develop their own investments. With our small actions we want to mark the difference ". REGISTERED AS "Cronos Marocc» thirteen cities in Morocco, from Casablanca to Essaouira Fez Kenitra, just to name a few, l'associazione è riconosciuta ufficialmente dal governo come associazione internazionale che può svolgere la propria attività educativa e sociale su tutto il territorio nazionale. President of the Moroccan subsidiary is Mohammed Berdaddouch. «Dopo un'esperienza di 21 years in Italy as a cultural mediator and assistant social welfare - notes – I realized that my experience was to take into consideration the future of my children. For these reasons,, My wife and I decided to come back with family, wife and four children, in our land. Oggi vivo muovendomi tra due sponde del Mediterraneo col desiderio di portare e sfruttare l'esperienza professionale e umana che ho maturato nella mia seconda patria, l'Italia».